The Ithaca Board of REALTORS® MLS (IBR) is considered a ‘sub-board’ in the Upstate New York Real Estate Information Services LLC (UNYREIS) MLS database in Rochester. Things to know:UNYREIS is a founding partner in the New York State Alliance of MLSs (NYSAMLSs).
- The NYSAMLSs Matrix database includes listings from 11 MLSs as follows:
- Upstate New York Real Estate Information Services (UNYREIS) in Rochester, NY including data from MLS Partners at Chautauqua-Cattaraugus, Elmira-Corning, Ithaca, McKean PA and Otsego-Delaware MLSs
- Central New York Information Services (CNYIS) in Syracuse, NY including Cortland County, Jefferson-Lewis and Mohawk Valley MLSs
- Western New York Real Estate Information Service (WNYREIS) in Buffalo, NY.
These policies apply to the NYSAMLSs Multiple Listing Service (MLS database).
Delayed Showing and Negotiation
Provide the completed form as an attachment to the listing at the same time the listing is entered into the MLS; Include the date(s) upon which showings and negotiations, and/or negotiations begin in the Private and Public Remarks sections of the listing.
Note that if you are delaying showings, then you must also delay negotiations.Comp Only Listings
Reporting Non-MLS Sales for Comparable Purposes Only (Comp Only) is allowed within 30 days of closing, however, only MLS staff may finalize the status as Sold in the MLS.Clear Cooperation Rule
- Clear Cooperation Rollout Overview *Rev. 02/26/2020*
- Clear Cooperation Rollout Q&A *Rev. 02/26/2020*
- Click here to learn more from NAR including a recorded webinar on this topic